Dear all, Hope this week has gone well for you so far. I have been wondering this year about keeping healthy mind and body and found somethings that seem to take it just that one step too far. At least for me! Please let me know your thoughts about the following fairly crazy ideas. […]
Dear all, Are you like me with exercise? I know I need to do more, but just don’t get round to doing it. After searching for ways to improve my inertia I came across the Barkley Marathons. The Barkley Marathons is insane; 100 miles (or more- depending on who you are talking to) is 5 […]
The New Blog
Hello Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque pellentesque varius ante et placerat. Etiam aliquet metus eget cursus sodales. Curabitur euismod rutrum purus non accumsan. Suspendisse quam risus, tempor quis aliquam ac, cursus et nunc. Fusce malesuada dapibus nunc ut semper. Vivamus elementum ac libero eget auctor. Pellentesque posuere mi nec lorem fringilla, […]
Dear all, How is your week going? With the turn in the weather I bet some of you are dreaming of warmer climes. Spring is coming in the northern hemisphere and in England this week is the time to enjoy that. From Thursday 2nd to Sunday there is an extended bank holiday weekend! Great a […]

The Slap
Dear all, How has your week started? Better than Chris Rock´s? It seems like everyone, even those who never watch the Oscars know what happened on Sunday night. Yes, one of my predictions for the year came true! The film “Belfast” won an Oscar. OK, so it wasn’t my prediction, but the slap. A comedian […]

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Dear all, What would you do if money were no object? It’s been said that money can’t buy happiness, but it can help. How would you live? Money seems to be no issue for Elon Musk. His net worth has been valued at $264.6 billion. You could say that a lot of that is tied […]